Well, December 28th seemly went off without a hitch. I delivered in about 12 hours from induction, I only pushed a few times, then I had to stop because my doctor was stuck in traffic! I had to wait 25 minutes for her to get to the hospital, then I just pushed a couple of more times and Lennox was here! All 8 lbs. 15 oz. of him! What a big boy for being considered a "preemie!" Well, the question had loomed for a while about his size versus his age. I had failed my 1 hour glucose tolerance test, but was retested on a 3 hour scale and passed. Apparently, I had developed Gestational Diabetes after those tests were done (at 28 weeks) because Lennox was born with low blood sugar and it continued to plummet and was rushed to the NICU after we got to spend some time with him. After 4 days of being slowly weaned off of a glucose IV, we were able to take him home! Praise the Lord! Needless to say, his doctor told me I was probably a "Closet Diabetic" and I needed to be eating like one. So I have made some changes, and more are to come. I don't want to do that to another child, or myself again! I was released from the hospital on Wednesday and Lennox had to stay until Friday. This left me with no place to stay but home. I am breastfeeding him and I needed to strictly every 2 hours to get him off of the glucose drip. The nurses and doctor from the NICU made one of the empty NICU pods a room for me with a fold out bed. I cried! They were so awesome and definitely a gift from the Lord. I didn't ever miss one feeding with Lennox and I got to stay right down the hall from him in the same ward. It was definitely a wonderful thing!
With all that said, he is here! Finally! In the fullness of time, God saw fit to bless us with a son and Dylan is no longer an only child. She has been praying diligently for a sister now. It is so sweet, and we pray that God would grant her petition. She has asked for one with color for a long time and since seeing all the children in Haiti on the news, she's begun praying for a little sister.
God is good, not because he gave us another child, but he is good because that is his very nature. He is good, because he is God! Happiness is dependent upon circumstances. Joy is dependent upon God. May all of our joy be found in him. He alone can grant us that lasting, eternal joy! Amen
Hey Mendi!
Lennox is precious! I'm so glad you're all back home together.
Hey Mindi Auntie cousin!
II like yo' blog it has a nice design!
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